Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pumpkin Hunting at Brown's Farm

I contemplated going through the last 10 months of pictures and updating the blog. That thought lasted about 3 seconds until reality hit me in the face saying....WHEN DO YOU HAVE THE TIME?! So I will act as though today is New Year's Day and my resolution is to try to update these pictures more often!

I took the boys too the Brown's Farm Pumkin Patch today. I was impressed with what they had to do there. I felt guilty for not taking them to one of the more advertised and well known fall festivals around here, but I was pleasantly suprised! We went on a hay ride, saw animals at the "petting zoo", picked our own pumkins and there were many other things to see there. We left there with some great memories and will definitely go back next year!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Harlem Globetrotters

Dori and I decided to take Connor and Carson to the Harlem Globetrotters. Connor did great the first quarter and then had more fun jumping his Spiderman from chair to chair and walking around. They were troopers and had fun, even though we could only last half the game!

Sound asleep

I had to post this picture of Ryan sleeping. How sweet?!

Christmas 2009

Christmas morning was a blast this year. Connor woke up and came downstairs where I was feeding Ryan and he said "no more wake ups?" and I told him no. He then began yelling at the top of his lungs, "'s Chrismas morning!" It was awesome. Ryan was obviously more into th wrapping paper than the present! Connor's face when he saw his bike was PRICELESS. It's so much fun to have kids around on Christmas!

Cookies at Noni's

Every year we take the kids to my mom and dad's so they can make cookies that look nothing like stockings and snowmen that are burnt and covered in anything they can shake out of a shaker! This year they turned out pretty good, but we did have one problem. My fantastic husband left them on the hood of our car and didn't realize it until we were almost home! And yes, my kid is the one without the shirt on. He's going through this phase and will not remain fully clothed despite the freezing temperatures.

Five months without a post!

Wow! I just visited the blog and realized it's been quite a while since updating. Instead of trying to catch up on what we have been up to, I'll just make a resolution this year to be better at keeping current! I have been suprised at the amount of people who have visited the blog. Thanks for visiting and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Connor's Singing Debut

You may have to turn your speakers off for this. Connor has started to take an interest in singing, but he just screams. My family says he may have a lead singer role in a Pantera like band someday. He definitely gets my tone deafness! I love his expressions too!


We took Connor and Ryan to have their pictures taken together at JCpenneys this week in their adorable coordinating outfits. I swear there is a reason I don't have girls! They role reversed and suprised us when Connor who is usually my shy one kept asking if the photographer was "ready yet." I felt like we were in the car driving to Florida listening to him say are we there yet? On the other hand, my smily Ryan was not very smily that day due to some digestive issues :( The pictures turned out adorable, or at least this mom thinks so.

New Tshirts!


Flashback twenty years ago to me at the NKOTB concert with my mom having the best day of my life! Flashforward to me at the NKOTB concert with friends still in love with this group! We took a bus down to Riverbend for the concert and had an amazing time. I guess we were having too much fun to notice that we no longer needed sunglasses because it was dark out. I will admit that I was jealous to hear my friends that COULD hang until 3am were able to hang with Danny and Donny at Lodge Bar. Maybe in twenty more years we can go back and at least get a Golden Buckeye discount.